It’s interesting to be a person over 50. The health advice out there is a lot. A LOT! It can be difficult to know what to do. It’s TOO MUCH!!! Here are a few of the current wellness tips out there:
•Prioritize protein
•Eat healthy carbs
•Prioritize fat
•Eliminate carbs and sugar
•Eat in a caloric defecit
•Don’t starve yourself
•Track your macros
•Track your calories
•Don’t track anything, eat to fulness
•Get 6-8-10 hours of sleep every night
•Drink 6-8-10 glasses of water a day
•Drink your body weight in ounces of water
•Balance your hormones
•Dob’t take hormone replacements
•Lift heavy weights
•Eliminate cardio
•Be sure to walk 10,000 steps daily, but don’t call it cardio
•Get your nutrients from real food
•Take these supplements daily
•No, take these supplements daily
•Don’t take any supplements
•Fast daily
•Ear Breakfast daily
•Always eat before working out
•Do not eat before working out
•Eliminate Stress, but also track all of this
Over the years I’ve been guilty of following some-most-all of these. In recent years I’ve discovered the freedom of MOSTLY. Here are the 5 things I’ve landed on in the last few years:
Eat MOSTLY Whole Foods
Drink MOSTLY water
MOSTLY go to bed at the same time
MOSTLY move your body in a way you like: weights, walking, running, yoga, classes or whatever else on more days than not
MOSTLY focus your energy on love ❤️ both to yourself and others
Let’s be gentler with ourselves. Let go of striving for perfection & experience freedom.
Have you experienced the power of MOSTLY?
*This is not intended to replace any medical advice from your doctor. Always follow a doctor’s guidance for any medical conditions.
Yes, to the power of MOSTLY. Love this outlook!