Once again we move our clocks ahead one hour.
Spring is on the horizon.
Waking up to birdsong and winding down to tree frogs.
You’ll be here soon. I whisper my thanks.
Winter, you’ve shared your beauty.
Your coziness.
Your togetherness.
Your traditions. Yet, it’s time to go.
It’s time for new.
This year, more than ever, I’m ready for NEW.
It’s been a long 6 months.
I thought Spring may have forgotten to come.
I’ve been absent here.
As I’ve shared before, My Dad passed away August 30, 2023.
His death while sad, was expected.
He’d been ill for over a decade. He died from leukemia.
In December, my formerly heathy Mom, became ill.
She steadily grew sicker each day.
Two months ago, January 10, 2024, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer.
It had already spread to her liver.
January was spent in a blur.
Doctors, phone calls, hospital visits and chemo.
I spent almost every day with her. Memories, laughter, fear and, plans and prayers mixed together.
February 10, 2024 my Mom curled up and took her last breath. My siblings and I were all with her. As she wanted.
Her cancer was unexpected.
Her death was sudden.
She is with Jesus.
She is with my Dad.
Dancing in Heaven.
Within 6 months time, I stood in the cemetery twice.
Most days I still wake up and forget it’s true.
For the first second of the day, I’m still in the “before.”
I think I should text or call her.
Then I remember.
I cry.
I pray.
I rejoice. A better world is where they dance.
Please accept my apologies for being absent here. I’ve made it one month without both of my parents.
I’ll be back here for good.
Very soon.
Thank you for staying with me.
With Love,
Sending you and your family so much love Kathi.💗
This is so beautiful. How has been one month already? Seems like yesterday and yet it's still not real to me. Sending love.