In recent years I’ve found I really enjoy memoirs. Maybe it’s the fact that everyone has a story. Maybe it’s the fact that those who have “made it big” are just like us. Maybe it’s an insider peek into their lives. I think it’s a combination of all of these. This year, I LISTENED to all of these memoirs. It is a game changer. Each of these books is narrated by the author and it adds a whole new dimension to their story. It’s personal,real, and many times funny. I listen for free on the Libby app. It’s attached to your library card and super simple to utilize.
Friends, Lovers, and the Big, Terrible Thing
by Matthew Perry
I listened to this book in the Summer, before MP passed away. I can’t recommend it enough.
Here’s my review from that time. It makes me sad knowing the ending of his “story” happened a few short months later.
5 ⭐️ I’d like to start by saying: Matthew I hope you find peace, happiness, & lasting sobriety.
Wow, this book. I wasn’t expecting to like it. Although I LOVE friends, if I’m being honest, I’ve always had a hard time understanding MP’s addiction.
He does an excellent job of detailing his 30 year addiction along with his rise to celebrity. He truly made me understand how difficult it is for addicts to get & stay clean.
I also really respect that he doesn’t NEED to put this book & story out there. He has plenty of money. He doesn’t need money or fame. (He never says this…my thoughts.) I believe his motive was to help others understand the struggles of addiction. Even if that help is simply greater compassion.
The Storyteller
by Dave Grohl
My review:
4.5 ⭐️
Dave has written a funny, interesting, & heartfelt memoir. I have to admit, before this book I only knew him as “that other guy from Nirvana.” I may have vaguely known he was part of the Foo Fighters but I never followed that band. I kept seeing his book pop up with great reviews + decided to give it a listen.
I was/am a big Nirvana fan. (But honestly I just really liked Kurt.) I’m the same age as Kurt Cobain & remember when Nirvana came on the music scene & introduced the world to grunge rock. My own life was the complete opposite of theirs. Middle class, young married. suburban, stay at home Mom who’d listen to the Barney soundtrack on cassette tape on repeat with my daughter & rock out to Nirvana when she took a nap 😂. I found all of Dave’s stories fascinating but loved going back to his Nirvana days.
He’s a humble, funny guy who has lived multiple lives in his time. The only thing I’d change is to order it in a complete chronological timeline. It was frustrating and sometimes confusing to follow the jumping around.
I highly recommend this book even if you don’t know who he is.
All My Knotted Up Life
by Beth Moore
My Review:
5 ⭐️ I laughed, I cried & I couldn’t stop reading this book. I have always loved Beth. She was my first and also my most consistent Bible teacher + mentor over the past 20 years. (Even though I’ve of course, never met her.)
I listened to this book which is read by Beth herself. I highly recommend it. Hearing her voice adds depth and humor to her story.
Counting the Cost + Becoming Free Indeed
by Jill Duggar Dillard and Ginger Duggar Vuolo
Having watched the show with curiosity and followed the messy, sad, horrific downfall of their brother, I was curious about these books. I enjoyed both Duggar girl’s books. They compliment each other well. If you have to choose one, I’d go with Jill’s book.
Here’s my review of Counting the Cost:
4.5 ⭐️ I feel bad for Jill & her siblings. They were (& some still are) the victims of the religious cult IBLP.
I applaud her bravery. Her book tells her story.
Jim Bob is a greedy man. Making millions off of his children & trying to pay them nothing. What he did on their taxes was illegal & I hope he gets arrested for tax fraud.
It was shocking to me that after making easily 8 million dollars off of the show he fought Jill for years before he finally acquiesced to paying her a paltry $175,000 for her years on the different shows.
In her book she shares details about both the show, her parents, and her brother.
I think there’s a lesson here that applies not only to reality tv shows but also to many social media “influencers” who are using their children to make money. No one should have their life made public without their consent. I think we’ll start seeing a dramatic increase of lawsuits as these influencer’s children age into adulthood.
My review of Becoming Free Indeed:
4 ⭐️ Jinger (Duggar) shared her story of growing up in a rules following, religious, home, on tv. She dives into the beliefs of IBLP & Bill Gothard. She explains each of Gothard’s principal teachings: what she was taught & why it is wrong. Unlike so many Christians she shares how this journey of “de-tangling” hasn’t made her leave Jesus. In fact, it’s made her faith in Jesus stronger. She is free because she knows the truth in Christ, not man-made rules. I respected that she never speaks ill about her parents. She does have some truths to share with/about her brother. Jinger did a great job on this book. I look forward to seeing where God takes her.
by Prince Harry
4⭐️ Tighten it up Harry!! This book could’ve been 5 stars if it had been edited to a shorter length. My goodness, was everyone around him in this book writing journey a yes-man?
I appreciated hearing Harry’s story. I listened to this book & liked that Harry read it. There’s been much made of what’s really the truth. I believe this is Harry’s truth. I’m sure both William & Charles would have their own versions of the truth. I’ve heard it said there is your truth, my truth, and the real truth. The real truth lies between your truth & my truth. After investing 16 hours (!!!) to listen to this book, this is where I land.
1. I think the press needs laws around it. Especially in chasing anyone to the point where it endangers their life. This should be a crime.
2. I believe Diana was killed by the exact thing above ^
3. Harry was born into this life. He didn’t ask for it. Nor does he (or any other members of the RF) deserve this type of hounding by the press. He doesn’t owe anyone anything.
4. I believe him that the RF will sacrifice some members to the press to bolster the image of another
Will must look better than Harry, he’s the Heir. You can’t have the Spare outshining him.
Meghan probably was sacrificed to make Kate look better.
Everyone was sacrificed to TRY to make Camilla look better (although honestly I believe that’s a losing battle…she’ll always be the 3rd person in the marriage of Charles & Diana)
5. I don’t know that I believe Meghan M. Especially when H referenced her crying on the floor multiple just seemed fake & dramatic. Considering one of the times she made lunch after the incident but then was so upset he found her on the floor???
6. Getting out of an unhealthy & untrue system is different than “wanting privacy” There was never going to be a “win” for them if they stayed. Kudos to H & M for leaving.
It’s a good read, I’d have given it 5 stars if it was shorter.
If you’re interested in My Top 10 Favorite Fiction Books of 2023 you can find them here:
My Favorite Fiction Books of 2023
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Great list! I’ve read the Duggar girls books...fascinating after watching them all those years ... and never suspecting a thing! I like that you give details; a more in-depth look rather than a quick review. Well done!
Thanks for this list! I wasn’t aware that Dave Grohl had written a memoir. I’ll have to check it out. About the Duggars and Bill Gothard: my mother was very much into his ministry decades ago. I don’t know how much she spent on his books and seminars. So happy he’s been exposed. Great list.❤️